We are finally releasing the first major version of t8code, v1.0. t8code is a parallel adaptive mesh management library with support for hybrid meshes. t8code uses the efficient space-filling curve approach to store and manage meshes and extends it to all common element shapes. We have demonstrated its efficiency …
t8code (spoken as "tetcode") is a C/C++ library to manage parallel adaptive meshes with various element types. t8code uses a collection (a forest) of multiple connected adaptive space-trees in parallel and scales to at least one million MPI ranks and over 1 Trillion mesh elements.
t8code is intended to be used as a thirdparty library for numerical simulation codes or any other applications that require meshes.
Here, you can find a description of the interface, functionality and features of t8code version 1.0.
Among other features, t8code offers the following functionalities:
- Managing distributed adaptive meshes over complex domain geometries
- Adapting meshes according to user given refinement/coarsening criteria
- Establishing a 2:1 balance condition
- (Re-)partitioning/load-balancing a mesh (and associated data) among MPI ranks
- Managing ghost (halo) elements and data
- Searching the mesh efficiently
- Supporting curved meshes
Cite & Acknowledge
If you use t8code in any of your publications, please cite the github repository and [1]. For publications specifically related to
- the TM index, please cite [2].
- coarse mesh partitioning, please cite [3].
- construction and handling of the ghost layer, please cite [4].