t8  1.2.0
t8code is a C library to manage a forest of adaptive space-trees of general element classes in parallel.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 t8_cmesh.cTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_commit.cTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_copy.cTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_copy.hTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_cxx.cxxThis file collects all general cmesh routines that need c++ compilation
 t8_cmesh_examples.hWe provide example coarse meshes in this file
 t8_cmesh_geometry.cxxTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_geometry.hInternal functions that we need for the cmesh geometry
 t8_cmesh_occ.cxxTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_occ.hxxWe define coarse meshes with occ geometries here
 t8_cmesh_offset.cTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_offset.hIn this file we collect function that deal with the cmesh partition offset
 t8_cmesh_partition.cTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_partition.hTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_refine.hTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_save.cWe define routines to save and load a cmesh to/from the file system
 t8_cmesh_save.hWe define routines to save and load a cmesh to/from the file system
 t8_cmesh_stash.cWe define the data structures and routines for temporary storage before commit
 t8_cmesh_stash.hWe define the data structures and routines for temporary storage before commit
 t8_cmesh_trees.cTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_trees.hTODO: document this file
 t8_cmesh_types.hWe define here the datatypes needed for internal cmesh routines
 t8_cmesh_vtk_reader.cxxImplementation of a Reader for vtk/vtu files using the vtk-library
 t8_containers.cxxTODO: document this file
 t8_containers.hWe define the t8_element_array that stores elements of a given eclass scheme
 t8_shmem.cTODO: document this file
 t8_shmem.hWe define basic shared memory routines
 t8_forest_adapt.hWe define the adapt routine to refine and corsen a forest of trees in this file
 t8_forest_balance.hWe define the balance routine to establish a 1:2 balance among the elements in a forest
 t8_forest_cxx.hWe define the forest routines that need access to the c++ element interface
 t8_forest_ghost.hWe define the ghost routine to create a layer of halo elements for a forest of trees in this file
 t8_forest_iterate.hWe define variuos routines to iterate through (parts of) a forest and execute callback functions on the leaf elements,
 t8_forest_partition.hWe define the partition routine to partition a forest of trees in this file
 t8_forest_private.hWe define routines for a forest of elements that are not part of the official t8_forest.h interface but used internally
 t8_forest_types.hWe define here the datatypes needed for internal forest routines
 t8_geometry_analytic.hxxTODO: Add description
 t8_geometry_linear.hThis header provides the C interface to create a linear geometry
 t8_geometry_linear.hxxTODO: Add description
 t8_geometry_occ.hThis header provides the C interface to create a occ geometry
 t8_geometry_occ.hxxThis geometry implements OpenCASCADE geometries
 t8_geometry_zero.hxxThis geometry implements the t8_geometry interface and maps all points to 0
 t8_geometry.hTypedef for the t8_geometry class in order to be usable as a pointer from .c files
 t8_geometry_base.hThis header file provides a C interface to the t8_geometry_c class
 t8_geometry_base.hxxImplements the base pure virtual class t8_geometry and the inherited class t8_geometry_w_vertices
 t8_geometry_extended.hxxTODO: Add description
 t8_geometry_helpers.hDefines t8code internal functions that are useful for geometry implementations
 t8_default_c_interface.hC interface definition to the default element implementation
 t8_default_cxx.hxxThis file is the point of entry for our default element implementation
 t8.hThis is the administrative header file for t8code
 t8_cmesh.hWe define the coarse mesh of trees in this file
 t8_cmesh_netcdf.hThe Header-File providing a function to write out a cmesh in a NetCDF-4 file
 t8_cmesh_readmshfile.hWe define function here that serve to open a mesh file generated by GMSH and consructing a cmesh from it
 t8_cmesh_triangle.hWe define function here that serve to open a mesh file generated by TETGEN and consructing a cmesh from it
 t8_cmesh_vtk_reader.hxxHeader for the vtk-reader
 t8_eclass.hWe define all possible element classes that occur in hybrid meshes
 t8_element.hThis file defines basic operations on an element in a refinement tree
 t8_element_c_interface.hThis file defines the c interface to (some of) the member functions of the t8_eclass_scheme_c class
 t8_element_cxx.hxxThis file defines basic operations on an element in a refinement tree
 t8_element_shape.hTODO: comment
 t8_forest.hWe define the forest of trees in this file
 t8_forest_netcdf.hThe Header-File providing a function to write out a forest in a NetCDF-4 file
 t8_mesh.hThe mesh object is defined here
 t8_refcount.hWe inherit the reference counting mechanism from libsc
 t8_vec.hWe define routines to handle 3-dimensional vectors
 t8_version.hThis file offers additional functions and support regarding the t8code version
 t8_windows.hThis file implements additional C functions that are used in t8code but are not part of the C standard library