t8  1.2.0
t8code is a C library to manage a forest of adaptive space-trees of general element classes in parallel.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ct8_attribute_infoThis structure holds the information associated to an attribute of a tree
 Ct8_cmeshThis structure holds the connectivity data of the coarse mesh
 Ct8_cprofileThis struct is used to profile cmesh algorithms
 Ct8_ctreeThis structure holds the data of a local tree including the information about face neighbors
 Ct8_dpyramidThis data type stores a pyramid
 Ct8_dtetThis data type stores a tetrahedron
 Ct8_eclass_schemeThis struct holds virtual functions for a particular element class
 Ct8_default_scheme_line_cProvide an implementation for the line element class
 Ct8_default_scheme_prism_cProvide an implementation for the prism element class
 Ct8_default_scheme_pyramid_cProvide an implementation for the pyramid element class
 Ct8_element_array_tThe t8_element_array_t is an array to store t8_element_t * of a given eclass_scheme implementation
 Ct8_forestThis structure is private to the implementation
 Ct8_ghost_data_exchange_tThis struct is used during a ghost data exchange
 Ct8_scheme_cxxThe scheme holds implementations for one or more element classes
 Ct8_shmem_arrayShared memory array structure
 Ct8_stashThe stash data structure is used to store information about the cmesh before it is commited
 Ct8_stash_attributeThe attribute information that is stored before a cmesh is committed
 Ct8_stash_classThe eclass information that is stored before a cmesh is committed
 Ct8_stash_joinfaceThe face-connection information that is stored before a cmesh is committed
 Ct8_treeThe t8 tree datatype
 Ct8_trees_glo_lo_hash_tThis struct is an entry of the trees global_id to local_id hash table for ghost trees