Here is a list of all documented functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the documentation:
- s -
- t8_sc_array_index_locidx()
: t8.h
- t8_scheme_cxx_destroy()
: t8_element_cxx.hxx
- t8_scheme_cxx_ref()
: t8_element.h
- t8_scheme_cxx_unref()
: t8_element.h
- t8_scheme_new_default_cxx()
: t8_default_cxx.hxx
, t8_default_c_interface.h
- t8_shmem_array_allgather()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_copy()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_destroy()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_end_writing()
: t8_shmem.h
, t8_shmem.c
- t8_shmem_array_get_array()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_get_comm()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_get_elem_count()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_get_elem_size()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_get_gloidx()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_get_gloidx_array()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_get_gloidx_array_for_writing()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_index()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_index_for_writing()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_init()
: t8_shmem.h
, t8_shmem.c
- t8_shmem_array_set_gloidx()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_start_writing()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_array_struct_t
: t8_shmem.c
: t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_finalize()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_init()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_shmem_set_type()
: t8_shmem.c
, t8_shmem.h
- t8_stash_add_attribute()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_add_class()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_add_facejoin()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_attribute_is_owned()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_attribute_sort()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_attribute_struct_t
: t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_bcast()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_class_bsearch()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_class_sort()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_class_struct_t
: t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_destroy()
: t8_cmesh_stash.h
, t8_cmesh_stash.c
- t8_stash_get_attribute()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_get_attribute_id()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_get_attribute_key()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_get_attribute_size()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_get_attribute_tree_id()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_init()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_is_equal()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_joinface_sort()
: t8_cmesh_stash.c
, t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_joinface_struct_t
: t8_cmesh_stash.h
- t8_stash_struct_t
: t8_cmesh_stash.h