t8code is a C library to manage a forest of adaptive space-trees of general element classes in parallel.
t8code (spoken as "tetcode") is a C/C++ library to manage parallel adaptive meshes with various element types. t8code uses a collection (a forest) of multiple connected adaptive space-trees in parallel and scales to at least one million MPI ranks and over 1 Trillion mesh elements.
t8code is intended to be used as a thirdparty library for numerical simulation codes or any other applications that require meshes.
The best place to start learning about t8code is the Wiki, especially the Installation Guide and the Tutorials.
You find the source code to t8code on github.
t8code supports the following element types (also different types in the same mesh):
Among others, t8code offers the following functionalities:
t8code uses space-filling curves (SFCs) to manage the adaptive refinement and efficiently store the mesh elements and associated data. A modular approach makes it possible to exchange the underlying SFC without changing the high-level algorithms. Thus, we can use and compare different refinement schemes and users can implement their own refinement rules if so desired.
You find more information on t8code in the t8code Wiki.